Life at the AU

Agricultural University - Plovdiv and the European Commission launched the Regional Innovation Valleys for Bioeconomy and Food Systems in Europe.

Agricultural University - Plovdiv and the European Commission launched the Regional Innovation Valleys for Bioeconomy and Food Systems in Europe.

On October 13, 2023, the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission, in close collaboration with the Agricultural University - Plovdiv and the BIOEAST Initiative, officially launched the Regional Innovation Valleys for Bioeconomy and Food Systems

"Regional Innovation Valleys for Bioeconomy and Food Systems" launch event

"Regional Innovation Valleys for Bioeconomy and Food Systems" launch event

The event is being jointly organized by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research and Innovation and the Agricultural University of Plovdiv, in close collaboration with the BIOEAST Initiative and will be held on 13 October 2023

 Технологиите в лозарството- инвестиция в бъдещето

Технологиите в лозарството- инвестиция в бъдещето

Събитие по проект AgroDigiRise, ще се проведе в Учебно-опитна винарска изба и лозов масив на Аграрен университет- Пловдив в село Брестник, 12.10.2023, 13:30 ч

Проф. Владислав Попов представи EIT Food и UNIgreen alliance на Седмицата на биоикономиката

Проф. Владислав Попов представи EIT Food и UNIgreen alliance на Седмицата на биоикономиката

Проф. Владислав Попов представи EIT Food и UNIgreen alliance на Седмицата на биоикономиката

The Green Deal and the Agriculture Sector - Cooperation vs. Confrontation

The Green Deal and the Agriculture Sector - Cooperation vs. Confrontation

This discussion proved to be important, as agriculture plays a critical role in achieving the goals of the European Union's Green Deal.

Admission of Students for Master's Degree Programs

Admission of Students for Master's Degree Programs

Agricultural University - Plovdiv offers training in 38 master's degree programs within 7 professional fields.