Animal biochemistry

The programme for this discipline is adapted for the students of the specialty Zoo engineering.

The course in “Animal biochemistry” introduces the main principles of metabolism, characteristic for animals, especially domesticated ones. The core biochemical constituents of the cell as well as phenomena related to enzyme catalysis, energy transformation and the main biochemical processes and reactions are illustrated in detail. The structure and main reactions catalyzed by enzymes, their kinetics, cofactors (including vitamins) and mode of action are discussed. Some of the animal-specific enzymes and their functions are presented.

Topics like bioenergetics, biosynthesis of ATP and other macroergic molecules and their significance for catabolic and anabolic processes are also included. The metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, nucleic acids and proteins is thoroughly covered. Attention is drawn to the links between the different metabolic pathways and their regulation.

During the course, all topics are discussed in relation also to other disciplines. Essential knowledge regarding physiology and animal feeding is provided, but references to some of the agri- and horticulture disciplines, which are crucial for zoo engineers, are also provided.