Department of Horticulture

The Department of Horticulture provides education to bachelor students in the following student courses: Vegetable Field Crop Production, Greenhouse Vegetable Production, Breeding and Seed Production of Vegetable Crops, Floriculture and Decorative Dendrology with Park Management Basics. Teaching staff at the department also provides training  in a number of master`s degree courses.

The department consists of highly-qualified teaching staff: one professor, six associate professors, two assistant professors, one assistant. They introduce the students the latest achievements related to the world and native vegetable production, floriculture, and park construction.

To illustrate the teaching material and to improve the students` practical training, a great variety of vegetable and flower crops are produced and annually updated.

Under the lecturers` supervision and guidance, students develop and defense successfully  experimental research projects, as well as bachelor, master and doctoral theses.

Lecturers use modern technological sources such as: computers and multimedia, Internet, as well as live plants, grown in the experimental crop field.

The Department has been developed two master's courses: Production of Sowing and Planting Material and Decorative Plants and Landscape Design.

The training-experimental field of the Horticulture Department stretches on an area of 25 da. There is a 1.6 da heating-glass greenhouse used for the hydroponic growing of vegetable and flower crops. Two plastic greenhouses with a total area of 1 da are in exploitation. They are used for experiments, practical seminars and training-production practices related to vegetable field crop production, greenhouse vegetable production, and floriculture. The department is provided with two educational laboratories situated in the building of the Faculty of Viticulture and Horticulture.

The main research work is in the field of breeding and technology of vegetable and flower crops, variety testing, application of leaf fertilizers and stimulants. Two cabbage varieties and one cape-gooseberry variety have been selected in recent years. There is significant research work in the field of seed production and seed science of vegetable crops. The department staff participates regularly in national and international scientific conferences. They are also actively involved in the ERASMUS + mobility exchange program, having lectures with foreign students, and making contracts with several European universities. The Department has a well-equipped scientific laboratory for carrying out some biometric, physiological and agrochemical analyzes for qualification of vegetable crops and seeds. The department has carried out a number of scientific projects, which has led to the purchase of modern apparatus and research equipment for the experimental field. Lecturers have participated as supervisors and as members.

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