Public administration
Course title: |
Public administration |
Course code: |
5 |
In-class hours |
Lectures: |
30 |
Laboratory work/Tutorials: |
30 |
Self-preparation hours |
Practical training: |
20 |
Other: |
20 |
Total hours: |
100 |
Language: |
English |
Study cycle: |
BSc, Master |
Semester: |
Winter, summer |
Faculty: |
Faculty of Economics |
Name of the lecturer(s): |
Assos. Prof. Minko Georgiev, PhD |
Mode of delivery: |
Face-to-face, distance learning |
Prerequisites: |
No prerequisites |
Learning outcomes of the course unit: |
Annotation: The course "Public administration" is part of the curriculum of most Bulgarian universities, which are studied humanities. In Agricultural University - Plovdiv, the students are studying Public administration in various forms in the programs of bachelors and masters courses. The purpose of this discipline is to train students in the specifics of: (1) European and Bulgarian legal sources, (2) structure of the European and Bulgarian institutions, (3) procedures and mechanisms for implementation of regulations in EU and Bulgarian, (4) Characteristics and functions of public administration (5) Administrative ethics and guidelines for the development of public administration.
The themes of the course are divided into five main parts: (1) History and creation of the Public administration (2) Legal sources of European Union and Bulgarian and the connection with existing rules in the Member States, (2) Structure of European and Bulgarian administration; (3) Procedures for decision-making in different European and Bulgarian bodies (4) control of the acts of European/Bulgarian administration and the actions of European legal entities, (5) Methods to protect the rights of European and Bulgarian operators. The main part of the educational material on the subject "PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION" is taught through lectures and exercises. In the process of teaching are used videos, the Internet etc. Lectures are held with all students. Students are prepared for each lecture on a predetermined plan by the teacher. In preparation, they recommended using specific topic literature and documents. Monitoring shall be conducted in a lecture of verbal questions to each student. Validated each semester student who has worked at least 95% of all subjects in the discipline, has mastered a minimum knowledge / verified by running control / as required. The final exam is conducted in the form of the final test. The final evaluation includes (1) assessment of current business, (2) evaluation of the written test. Course description This course provides an inter-disciplinary overview of the history, evolution and current challenges facing the Public Administration of EU. It focuses on the economic, political and juridical rationale for integration, on the market and administrative actors, legal and economic rolls, administrative processes and all effects. This course presents a systematic overview of the Bulgarian and European, laws including their political, economic and cultural influences on agriculture.
Course Objectives Upon completion of the course, students have gained the ability to: Successfully completed the course students, can find its implementation at all levels of public administration in European organizations, and the Bulgarian government departments or private entities. The future career direction of students may be related to the conditions and absorption of EU funds. |
Course contents: |
Contents of the program: Topic 1. Introduction to public administration as a science. Topic 2. Definition of public administration. Topic 3. Legal basis. Sources and subjects of administrative law. Topic 4. The administrative status of the citizens. Topic 5. Acts of public administration. Topic 6. Discretion and circumscribed powers of state authorities. Topic 7. Structure of public administration. Bureaucracy and authorities. Topic 8. Government ministries, local government. European and Bulgarian authorities in agriculture. Topic 9. State Department official. European and Bulgarian systems of the country served Topic 10. Concept of management decision. Topic 11. Method for decision undivided authority in management decisions. Topic 12. Administrative control. Control inside and outside of the administration. Topic 13. Judicial control and supervision of the administration. Topic 14. Corruption in administration. Topic 15. Administrative Reform. |
Recommended or required reading: |
1. Алексеев .С. Общая теория Права 1982 2. Ангелов Ангел, Иван Дерменджиев, Георги Костадинов, Учебник по административно право на НРБ 1967 3. Костов Димитър, Дончо Хрусанов, Административно право на Р.България обща част 2001 4. Костов М. Компетентността като правосубектност на държавен орган 1979 5. Къндева Емилия, Богдан Йорданов Правен режим на държавната служба 2002 6. Къндева Емилия, Ивона Спиридонова Въведение в публичната администрация 1997 7. Къндева Емилия, Публична администрация 2001 8. Къндева Емилия, Делегиране на административни правомощия 1996 9. Къндева Емилия, Държавният служител 1993 10. Къндева Емилия, Решение на колективния орган на държавно управление 11. Къндева Емилия, Оперативна самостоятелност на административния орган 1988 12. Къндева Емилия, Управленско решение 1978 13. Лазаров Кино, Обвързана компетентност и оперативна самостоятелност „Проблеми на държавнато и финансово право” 1975 14. Спасов Б., Е.Марков, Е. Къндева-Спиридонова и др. Публично правни науки, СИЕЛА 1988 15. Спасов Б. Общинско право, СИЕЛА 1997 16. Тодоров Иван, Издаване на индивидуални административни актове СИЕЛА 1995 17. Nigro R., L. Nigro Modern Public Administration., Harper and Row 1984 18. Simon H., Administrative behavior, A Study of Decision Making Processes in Organizations 1961 19. SIGMA Papers N23 Preparing Public Administration for the European Administrative Space, OECED 1998 20. 22. 23. 24. |
Planned learning activities and teaching methods: |
Lectures, presentations, tutorials, conversation, discussion, brainstorming) |
Assessment methods and criteria: |
Written test |